Waterville, Blanchardstown
Waterville, Blanchardstown
Waterville is a low rise, high-density development of 1520 dwelling units on 45 hectares of parklands, formally the James Connolly Memorial Hospital lands at Blanchardstown. The clustered layout provides the new residential communities with individual identities, a high standard of built environment and an extensive mature woodland and open space setting. Waterville Terrace is the focal building of the scheme. It forms a continuous four-storey wall as an edge to the open parkland. The zigzag terrace has point blocks of 5 and 6 storeys, with all living accommodation and terraces orientated to the south with views over the 9 hectare landscaped park.
Each cluster is based on the ‘Living Streets’ idea where traffic is restricted and priority at all times is for pedestrians. Car parking ratios are to a minimum and located within the landscaped areas to reduce their visual impact. The public spaces are finished to a high quality urban standard and as with the communal gardens and services they are maintained by means of a private management agreement.
Blocks are arranged to ‘gable on’ to eliminate overlooking of private spaces, reducing shadow and decreasing the required separation distances of the Blocks. There are a variety of unit types within each cluster with an emphasis on own door units. A local centre for neighbourhood facilities is provided within the site layout.