Brandon Square, Waterville
Brandon Square, Waterville
The proposed development represents the final phase of the highly successful Waterville Residential Development in Blanchardstown where 1,265 units have been completed since 2000. The success of previous phases of the development has resulted from the creation of a series of well managed building clusters within a high quality landscaped environment, where variation in form and elevation gives rise to recognisable neighbourhoods within a mature landscaped setting.
The general philosophy has been the construction of generous high quality residential units which comfortably exceeded the minimum space standards of the time. This approach has ensured the ongoing success of the development following the economic downturn.
Brandon Square, Waterville consists of 132 new two-storey residential houses, generallyterraced, with a small number of semi-detached houses. The traditional box bedroom / office at first floor level in the three and four bed house units has been oversized to allow it to be more flexible.
The roof space of 88% of the houses is designed with a roof pitch and sufficient roof space to allow for conversion to an additional room. All houses have an array of Solar tubes on the south facing roof elevation to meet the requirements of Part L of the Building Regulations. No fire places or open flues are proposed as a measure to increase the Building Energy Rating.
The massing and detailed design of the houses and terraces has been carefully considered with the aim of achieving a sense of variety and individuality in the different parts of the scheme.
The public areas of the proposed development – the streets, cul-de-sacs and landscaped open spaces – are laid out to ensure maximum passive security using activity and overlooking.